Entries by andreashorn

Electrophysiological Atlas of GPi Activity (Neumann 2017) included in Lead-DBS v2.0.0.6

Inside a new version of Lead-DBS (v2.0.0.6) released yesterday, we included the pallidal theta activity sweet spot defined in A localized pallidal physiomarker in cervical dystonia as well as optimal stimulation targets defined in Thomas Schönecker‘s Article Postoperative MRI localisation of electrodes and clinical ef… and Philip Starr’s Article Microelectrode-guided implantation of deep brain stimulators….  Since all three spots fall into a very […]

New SEM study out: “Relating pallidal theta activity to dystonic symptoms and anatomy of the GPi”

In a new study (A localized pallidal physiomarker in cervical dystonia) led by Wolf-Julian Neumann with Siobhan Ewert, Julius Huebl, Christof Brücke, Gerd-Helge Schneider and Andrea A Kühn, we were able to relate pallidal theta power to dystonic symptom severity for the first time. Furthermore, using the “Subcortical Electrophysiology Mapping (SEM)” approach developed as part of Lead-DBS (implemented inside the “Lead Group” module), […]

VTA-model support for segmented Leads

Till Dembek created a segmented Lead Mesh that allows us to run our FEM-calculations (see Connectivity Predicts deep brain stimulation outcome in Park…; model implemented based on SimBio with great help from Johannes Vorwerk) to create VTAs for these electrodes.

Lead-DBS 2.0 out now

We are proud to release Lead-DBS 2.0 to the community – an open source tool to localize Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) electrodes in the human brain. A detailed description of all major new features is available here [http://www.lead-dbs.org/?p=3174], but in a nutshell they are: DISTAL atlas: A detailed brain atlas of the human subcortex based on histology […]

DISTAL Atlas methods summary, data out soon

Summary of novel subcortical atlas that is “made for Lead-DBS”, based on multispectral high-resolution MNI template, histology and structural connectivity (Ewert et al., 2017) here: http://www.lead-dbs.org/?page_id=2911 Dataset out soon, original publication here:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/aip/10538119?sdc=1

Major update of Lead-DBS out (v.1.6.5)

Summary here http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a5b93846a3a2a714edbcce8ef&id=7038e497df – Drag’n’Drop support – Improved ANTs presets – New Check Normalization viewer – New NIfTI image classifier – New atlases (PPN Alho 2017 atlas Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging for the peduncul…, cerebellar parcellations)